Добрый день, дорогие коллеги! Буду благодарна за замечания и комментарии по РКЗ и ОТ по эссе, вариант 10, задание 38.1, Вербицкая. Всем большое спасибо заранее! More and more people decide to start volunteering for various reasons. To learn more about these reasons, I have found a table with the results of some opinion polls which show what motivates people in Zetland to do volunteering. I am going to analyse the data in the table and express my opinion on the subject of the project. The table shows that Zetlanders do volunteer work for five major reasons. Bringing benefit and helping others are chosen by the largest proportion of the respondents (48%), while the least chosen motive is exploring new places (8%). The in-between categories are getting new knowledge and skills (20%), finding new friends (14%) and getting privileges and bonuses (10%). Looking more closely at the table, we can note that bringing benefit and helping others are almost five times as frequently cited by the respondents as getting privileges and bonuses. I find it quite natural, as volunteers value helping others more than getting something from their work. One problem that can arise with volunteer work is that not all volunteers are experienced enough and know how to do their job properly. This can make their work less effective and even cause accidents. However, there is one possible solution to this problem. Volunteers should attend a special preparation course and work under the supervision of experienced colleagues. In conclusion, I believe that volunteering is very important for society because volunteers make a big difference to other people’s lives in difficult situations and help make the world a better place. (254)

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